Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Elo hell

So the first big thing I want to talk about is a expresion called elo hell (Elo hell is low elo probably something from 0 to 1500).  When I first started playing ranked games I was a really bad player. Even tough I managed to reach 1200 elo in first 4 games (still not very good). Then I lost a few maches and I thought: "Ohh well I ruined my ranked stats, so I might as well play ranked games not that seriously." And then my elo went down down down. So the first tip I would like to give is: When you play some games bad, you must take a break and stop playing for a few hours. Ok, so the more my elo was getting lower, more I taught to play stupid champions in ranked games and of course my elo went down to 780. But then I started to take these games more seriously and still I was stuck in low elo. I watched some good players when they talked about "elo hell" and I learned some useful stuff that I will describe you soon. 

So the one thing I learned was that you should never (and when i say never I mean it) RAGE. If you don't know what rage means: Meaning of rage . So you should never:
- Rage at yourself When you do that it only makes you play worse.
- Rage at your teammates Raging at your teammates is only going to drop your elo, because communicating is the key to success in LOL (League of Legends, from now on I will use the short version). Also your teammates will start raging at you and they won't help you in some situatons...
- Rage at your enemies If you do that you will most likely get banned for verbal abuse. If enemies are raging at you then you should block them in chat and report them at the end of the game.

Ok, the next thing I want to talk about is team communication. As I mentioned before, communication is the key to success. It will help you get kills, it will help you knowing the position of your enemies and stuff like that. So for example: You are playing mid. Your bot for some reason doesn't have any ward coverage and your enemy in mid leaves the lane with full HP. When you notice this and the enemy is probably going bot, not only should you write "SS" or "Mid mia" you should spam that yellow ping (V is the shortcut) as much as you possibly can, because most people don't read chat.

Team communication is also important in champion selection. Normally in low elo nobody wants to play support and if you want to raise elo you shouldn't play support as it is really hard to do anything if your teammates are bad ( most of them are in low elo). If no one wants to play support and you are the lowest pick you must take that role, even tough you want to play something else. These are ranked games and you must play what the team needs.

Now the picking of champions. Some champions are OP and you must face it. So when you are picking or banning, you must use your LOL knowledge in your favor. Ban champions that are hard to play against or are a very good counter against your pick (probably you will have to carry the game when talking about low elo). Also pick champions that are OP, but you must know how to play them otherwise you will 75% loose your lane against a descent player. And another important thing, when someone is higher pick than you (That means he is picking before you) has the power to pick what he wants, even if you want to play that role. That's how it is and you must accept it.

Next thing that you should do when playing ranked games to raise elo is that you play with your friend who has elo rating near yours. If their elo is much higher than yours than you will probably be the last pick and it won't be as much fun for you as you will be most of the times forced to play support. Think of what I just said. When you play with your friend (which you think is good) it will be much easier to carry the game.

Ok the last thing to do. If you want to get better you must record your games and watch them. With that you will learn from your mistakes and get better. A good software for this is League replays. (I do not own any credit for this program.)

Ok I hope you learned something useful from this post and if you did please follow me. :D

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